Friday, January 18, 2013

Don't be afraid of failure

          When you are about to step out of your comfort zone a question pops in your head: “What if I fail?”
          This question has kept many capable people from achieving their dreams. They were afraid whether if they will fail or not, they were asking themselves what their friends will think about them if they will fail, what their family will say if they would not succeed, or at least don’t succeed apparently.
          I don’t know why, but many people think that failing at something is a crime which must be punished.
          But is not like that. Failing is absolutely normal if you want to learn something new. Most of the times when you will try out something new you will fail and failing you will become more and more experienced. Failing is a step in the learning process! If you like to develop your skills in something like doing business don’t be afraid to fail: if you are afraid to fail, you are keeping yourself from learning.
          Just take this example: when you were a baby and learnt to walk, wouldn’t you fall down? But what if, after falling the first time, you wouldn’t try to walk again, or if you will never want to learn to walk because you were afraid of falling down. Or when you learnt to ride the bicycle, didn’t you fell down over and over again until you learnt how to ride it properly?
          The same principle is applied in personal development. If you are afraid of failing, you won’t get anywhere at all.
Failing is a natural step of the learning process. So, there is no question like “What if I fail”: you will fail. Is the natural process to becoming successful.
          If you want to read more about learning from failing and being successful in business, read Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Is an excellent book about his life is business. Check it out here:

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